Elderly man sitting alone at home


Visiting Nurse Service & Hospice of Suffolk community programs throughout Suffolk County make us uniquely positioned to understand and respond to the needs of our patients.

Bereavement Support Groups

Therapeutic groups offer educational, informational and sharing experiences. They help participants adjust to their new roles in life and guide them through the bereavement process and help them plan for their future. Our bereavement program is currently available virtually regardless of if a person’s loved one was in our care. Bereavement services are available for up to 13-months. Support by phone from trained volunteers, assistance with community resources, professional referrals and a lending library of bereavement books and literature are also available. For more information about bereavement support, please contact David Powers, Bereavement Coordinator at 631.439.2821 and [email protected] or Bonnie Gruber, Hospice Support Services Coordinator, at 631.930.9340 and [email protected].

Lights of Remembrance

Held every May, our candle lighting ceremony provides family and friends with a unique opportunity to remember their deceased loved ones

Tree of Lights

Every November, VNSHS hosts a memorial tree lighting ceremony dedicated to our patients who have passed away over the last year.

Blood Pressure Screenings

Throughout the year, VNSHS offers blood pressure screenings at local libraries, community and senior citizen centers.

Flu Shot Clinics

VNSHS clinicians provide flu shots each year to our patients and homebound residents and at assisted living facilities, corporations, libraries and other locations throughout Suffolk County.

Influenza vaccines administered by a Registered Nurse are available at VNSHS, 505 Main Street in Northport.  Schedule your appointment HERE or call 631.261.7200 to schedule your appointment by phone.

We can bill Traditional Medicare and Traditional Medicaid. We also accept cash, check or credit card.  A written receipt will be provided to submit to your private insurance, HMO or Advantage Plan for reimbursement.



Feeding the Hungry

Responding to the needs of the community we established our VNSHS HQ at 505 Main Street in Northport as a collection site to support local food pantries.


VNSHS awards students who have demonstrated academic achievement and are pursuing careers in the field of nursing with the Helen Strobl Memorial Scholarship in honor of our first Executive Director, who was a Baccalaureate and Masters nursing graduate and proponent of higher education for nurses.

Student Nursing Experience

VNSHS provides nursing students from Adelphi University, Molloy College, St. Joseph’s College, Stony Brook University, Suffolk County Community College,  SUNY Delhi, SUNY Farmingdale University Medical Center and Western Suffolk BOCES with the opportunity to gain clinical field experience in home health and hospice care under professional supervision.

Contact Us

Administration and Home Care Services

505 Main Street Northport, NY 11768


631.261.7200 631.261.1985

Hospice Services

101 Laurel Road, East Northport, NY 11731


Hospice House and Respite 631.930.9399 631.261.5424
Hospice at Home 631.930.9335 631.261.5423

Bereavement Program


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